Wednesday 29 July 2009

The reason drunk people should not have phones..

I told the Boss I like him last night, something I am very embarrassed about today!
He knows I used to like him, I used to get drunk and tell him all the time but I haven't said anything for ages. And what with me turning him down three times (!) he really thought I was over it.
The worst part is that I had a great night out with his girlfriend & when I hadn't got my key to go home they said I could stay on the sofa. I didn't want to, its a bit weird knowing that she knows I have slept with him and just being with the two of them, but I had no other choice! Anyway in the end they had a massive row (nothing new there, it happens every time they go out together) and I ended up sleeping with his girlfriend (who I am as of now going to call Claire because she is popping up more and I think she need a name) in their bed while he slept on the sofa. I was wasted and couldn't help but text him to tell him that I hate liking him so much and that I have done for too long now. Could it have been any worse?! I basically told him that I have liked him since I first started liking him well over a year ago.

When I woke up this morning with a massive hangover he had already gone to work so I didn't have to see him straight away. I text him apologising but instead of doing the decent thing and saying something along the lines of 'It's OK I know you were really drunk and didn't mean it' he said he hadn't realised I still felt like that. Damn. So I had to be the one to say I was really drunk and didn't mean it... and it doesn't sound as good coming from me!

In other news it turns out Stigg has got quite a big crush on me which makes me feel very bad about getting with him. He is texting me all the time and even thought he knows I have a boyfriend he is getting quite full on. Luckily having a boyfriend makes it easier to escape from the situation without hurting him.

1 comment:

  1. We've all done the drunk text thingy, just sometimes we reveal too much. Forgive me for asking but did the boss have expectations of a threesome? If he asked would you consider it?
